7 Reasons Students Often Fail Entrance Examinations In Nigeria

  • By Admin
  • mate-date May 24 , 2022
  • mate-date 03
  • mate-date 5 Min

How often have you heard someone say that they don't study because they don't want to fail? Or maybe they've even said that they'll never get into college or university because they fear failing their exams.

The pressure to succeed at school is huge, especially for students who are aiming high. Some students are under too much stress to perform well in examinations. They become anxious and stressed out, and sometimes they give up before they start.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of studying for exams, it might be time to take a step back and reassess your approach. There are some things you can do to help you pass your exams without having to worry about failing them.

The pressure to succeed at school is huge, especially for students who are aiming high. Some students are under too much stress to perform well in examinations. They become anxious and stressed out, and sometimes they give up before they start.

Here are 12 steps you can take to prepare for the WASSCE examination.

    1. Procrastination

    Procrastination is one of the most common reasons why students fail in examinations. The problem is that it’s hard to stop once you start. It takes willpower to resist the urge to procrastinate, but if you don’t act soon enough, you will never get started!

    A lot of students don't study because they're too busy procrastinating. They might not feel like studying but instead spend hours playing video games, watching TV, surfing the internet, or hanging out with friends. This leads to them feeling tired and stressed during exam week, which makes it harder to concentrate.

    2. Lack of Perseverance

    The most common cause of failure is a lack of perseverance. It is not uncommon for students to give up after one or two attempts at solving problems. This is because they don’t understand what they are doing wrong. They may think that they know the answer but it turns out that they don’t. If this happens, then they will never succeed.

    3. Low Self-esteem

    The key factor behind why students fail exams is because they lack self-confidence. They don't believe they can achieve high grades, so they give up before they start. For some people, this may not seem like a big problem, but it's actually one of the most common reasons why people fail at school.

    4. Overconfidence

    The problem with overconfident people is they tend to overestimate their abilities. This is one of the reasons why people fail exams. They think they know what they don’t know and so attempt to guess answers rather than seek out information. Unfortunately, this leads us to believe we are more knowledgeable than we actually are.

    5. Bad Reading Habits

    The most common reading mistake I see in students is not understanding what they read. They may misunderstand keywords or phrases, or they may fail to understand the context of the passage. These mistakes lead to confusion and frustration during exams. Also, if you don’t study well, then you will struggle to answer exam questions correctly. This can result in poor grades and lower self-esteem. It’s important to set realistic goals and avoid setting yourself up for failure by choosing topics that aren’t challenging enough.

    6. Lack of Interest

    The most common cause of failure in examinations is lack of interest. This is especially true in science subjects where students often find it difficult to understand the concepts being taught. They may not have enough background knowledge or understanding of the subject matter.

    Poor study skill is also a reason most students get poor results because they don't know what needs to be studied, they fail to prepare properly, and they spend too long revising rather than studying.

    7. Think logically

    There are many reasons why students fail examinations, but laziness is one of them. If you want to pass exams, then you must study hard. The key to passing any exam is to study hard enough so that you don't need to revise. Laziness can also be a result of lacking the motivation to study. If you find yourself lacking motivation, you can study with your friends or take a break. These could help you garner the motivation you need to enjoy studying.

    There are many reasons why students fail examinations, but laziness is one of them. If you want to pass exams, then you must study hard. The key to passing any exam is to study hard enough so that you don't need to revise. Laziness can also be a result of lacking the motivation to study. If you find yourself lacking motivation, you can study with your friends or take a break. These could help you garner the motivation you need to enjoy studying.

    In conclusion, students often fail examinations because they simply aren't prepared. They haven't studied hard enough or they haven't practiced enough; either way, their lack of preparation shows through during the exam.

    The key is to prepare ahead of time. Make sure you study hard and review your notes frequently. Don't worry too much about memorizing facts or formulas; instead, focus on understanding the concepts behind the questions. After all, that's what really matters when it comes to exams.